How to Protect Your Child’s Hair from Chlorine Damage in California Pools

How to Protect Your Child's Hair from Chlorine Damage in California Pools 1. Effects of Chlorine on Hair 2. Pre-Swim Hair Care 3. Post-Swim Hair Care 4. Long-Term Hair Care for more read full article
Protect child's hair from chlorine damage

As the weather heats up in California, many parents are excited to take their children to the local swimming pool to cool off. However, the chlorine in these pools can be harmful to your child’s hair. Chlorine can cause dryness, breakage, and discoloration, which can leave your child’s hair looking and feeling damaged. Here are some tips on how to protect your child’s hair from chlorine damage in California pools.

Effects of Chlorine on Hair

Chlorine is added to swimming pools to keep them clean and free from harmful bacteria. However, the same properties that make chlorine an effective disinfectant can also be harmful to your child’s hair. Chlorine strips the hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. This can cause breakage and split ends, as well as a dull and faded appearance. In some cases, chlorine can even turn blonde hair green.

Pre-Swim Hair Care

Before your child jumps in the pool, it’s important to wet their hair with fresh water. This can help to prevent the hair from absorbing as much chlorine. You can also apply a protective layer to your child’s hair to prevent chlorine damage. This can be done with a leave-in conditioner or coconut oil. Simply apply the product to your child’s hair, making sure to focus on the ends where damage is most likely to occur.

Post-Swim Hair Care

After your child is done swimming, rinse their hair with fresh water as soon as possible. This can help to remove any residual chlorine and prevent further damage. You can also use a specialized shampoo designed to remove chlorine from the hair. Look for products that contain ingredients like Vitamin C, which can neutralize chlorine and prevent discoloration.

If you prefer a more natural approach, you can also use home remedies to remove chlorine from your child’s hair. One option is to rinse their hair with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. Another option is to mix baking soda with water to create a paste, which can be applied to the hair and rinsed out after a few minutes.

Long-Term Hair Care

In addition to taking steps to protect your child’s hair before and after swimming, it’s important to maintain their hair health in the long term. This can be done by scheduling regular haircuts to remove damaged ends and prevent breakage. You can also use deep conditioning treatments to keep your child’s hair moisturized and healthy.

To prevent further chlorine damage, consider using a swim cap or protective hairstyle. A swim cap can create a barrier between the hair and chlorine, while a protective hairstyle like braids or a bun can keep the hair contained and prevent tangles.


Swimming is a fun and healthy activity for children, but the chlorine in California pools can be harmful to their hair. By following these tips on how to protect your child’s hair from chlorine damage, you can ensure that their hair stays healthy and beautiful all summer long. Remember to wet their hair before swimming, rinse their hair after swimming, and use specialized products or home remedies to remove chlorine. Additionally, schedule regular haircuts and use protective measures like swim caps or hairstyles to prevent further damage. By taking these steps, you can enjoy a fun-filled summer without worrying about your child’s hair.